Baldwin Pre K Students Get To Know Each Other

The beginning of the school year is an important time in preschool. For many students, it is the first time that they will come to school. Once at school, they get to meet many new friends.
Throughout September, all our classes learned about what it means to be a good friend. In particular, Mrs. Romvary’s students enjoyed singing songs and playing games that helped them to get to know each other.
They also spent some time learning about how to get along with each other and how to solve problems with other children. The culminating activity for the month was to make a collage of pictures to display in classrooms.
Art Is Awesome At Carson Elementary

Carson Students Hear From Hall Of Famer Sanders
During the month of October, Carson School focused on the theme of RESPECT. In keeping with the theme, and thanks to Nancy Tryon, Carson’s math teacher for the gifted program, fourth graders were able to video conference with former pro football player Charlie Sanders.

Mr. Sanders played tight end for the Detroit Lions from 1968-1977 and was voted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2007. Mr. Sanders enjoys his work as a motivational speaker and talks to young people about being a “person of character,” as discussed in the character development seminars from
Some important points of Mr. Sander’s presentation:
- Respect has to start with yourself. You must respect your parents, teachers and elders.
- There are more challenges than successes. You have to embrace the challenges and be humbled by the success.
- Always keep your mind focused on who you are and who supported you to get there.
- Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help or too proud to follow their advice.
- The world is not just about you.
- Being a good person takes practice. Do something to build your character every day!
Carson students’ impressions of Mr. Sanders’ presentation:
“It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, play your best game.”
“Charlie Sanders lived on a farm. He worked very hard from a young age and continued working hard.”
When he was young, he followed the pillars of character. To become a successful football player, he used strength, height and speed to his advantage.”
“He set goals for himself.”
“He helped his children to follow rules. When he started following the rules for good character, his life changed and he became happier.”
“Sometimes he did not follow the rules and he felt upset with himself.”
“He was very thoughtful of others.”
Upcoming Events
November 23 Pennsauken Board of Education Business Meeting – Pennsauken High School, Room #327 – 7:30 p.m.
November 27-28 Schools Closed – Thanksgiving