The Pennsauken Zone PTA would like to welcome everyone to the new school year. PTA is dedicated to the education, health, safety and well being of children and youth.
Each individual school has their own local PTA. All of the locals belong to a group called the Pennsauken Zone PTA. The PTAs meet monthly to conduct business and make plans for the coming months. Everyone is encouraged to attend these meetings to find out what’s going on in your school and what you can do to help. Make yourself familiar with PTA planning meetings.
PTA membership enrollment began in September. As a member of the PTA, you are a part of a network of local, state, and national associations that can help you convert your concerns for children into effective action. You can accomplish many important things for your children simply by becoming a member. Watch for flyers being sent home through your school.
In no time, you will be receiving some type of fundraising project for your school PTA. PTAs raise only those funds that are necessary to meet the needs of the year’s activities and projects as outlined in their budget. The safety of our children is our main concern. Children should NEVER go “door to door” with their fundraising! Parental involvement is very important. Take the fundraising flyer to work, ask friends, etc.
The PTA and your children need your support!