All Around Pennsauken

Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper

Frank Sinatra


Waterlines, November 2015

The Commissioners and staff of The Merchantville-Pennsauken Water Commission would like to wish you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Please note that…

Columns Going Green

Organic Or Synthetic Plant Food: Is There A Difference?

By Kathleen Harvey, Owner, Plant Artistry, LLC It’s time to prepare the flower beds for winter. What materials are best…


Parent/Teacher Conferences

Starting today, schools throughout the Pennsauken School District are holding parent/teacher conferences. Here’s the schedule for each school. November 17…


Longfellow Honors Students Of The Month

Congratulations to September’s students of the month at Longfellow Elementary! The following students were recognized for “following directions and listening…


Pennsauken School Board Members Receive Award

Two members of the Pennsauken Board of Education were recently recognized for their work in the District and commitment to…


Carson School News

Click on the photos for more information on what’s happening at Carson Elementary.

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