All Around Pennsauken

Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper

Frank Sinatra

Community Sports

Registration Begins For Challenger Baseball League

The Challenger Baseball League of Cherry Hill is preparing to begin its 10th season, offering a fun and healthy activity…


County Hosts Events That Focuses On Women

Camden County’s 2015 Women’s Health Conference has been permanently moved to the spring and will be held this year on…


Pennsauken’s Flaherty Is First Recipient Of Mummers Scholarship

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor Pennsauken native and longtime Mummer Bobby Flaherty, Jr. became the first-ever recipient of the Wendy…


Winter Concert A Hit At Delair School

Delair’s Winter Concert gave the school community the opportunity to enjoy the hard work of the students and music teachers…


Do You Want To Build A Snowman? Longfellow Students Do!

The kindergarten classes at Longfellow School have been working diligently in their informational unit of study, focusing on how-to books!…


Pre-K/Kindergarten Evening Registration

Scheduled for Wednesday, April 15 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Pennsauken Public Schools has scheduled their annual evening registration session for…


Carson Students R-O-C-K At Spelling Bee

Carson fourth grade students Nicholas Bonilla, Brandon Hoang, Jenny Kim, Brianna Nguyen, Kevin Pham, Remy Trinh, and Diego Vega participated…

Community Schools

Phifer Middle School Gives Back To Cathedral Kitchen

Phifer Middle School’s “Organization of the Month” for December was the Cathedral Kitchen, a Camden non-profit that prepares and serves…

Schools Sports

Flyers Great Bob “The Hound” Kelly Visits Delair School

T.E.A.M. – Teamwork, Education, Attitude, and Motivation – make up the formulation for success. This was the message imparted to…

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