All Around Pennsauken

Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper


Marriage Proposal Highlight Of Annual Holiday Parade

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor and Melanie Zayas, AAP Intern There’s no better way to start off the best time…

News People

Local Authors Publish Works For Adults, Children

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor Drama, suspense, romance, and of course, revenge. That’s what you’ll find in “Revenge,” the first…

News People Schools

Middle School Student Gets Encouragement From Paralympian

In May of this year, 13-year-old Jade DiSanti had a freak mishap on the soccer field that ultimately caused her…

Pennsauken Community Rallies Around Ill Volunteer Firefighter

When Kevin Sochanchak went to the doctor’s about severe, recurring heartburn, the last thing he expected to hear was, “It’s…

Latest News People

Pennsauken’s Bittle Displays Passion For Sports Memorabilia

By Melanie Zayas, AAP Intern If you have a question about collecting sports memorabilia, Pennsauken resident Ron Bittle would have…

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