By Robert Fisher-Hughes, AAP Columnist and Amateur Historian
The Camden County History Alliance has declared October to be Camden County History Month, with new and extra-special programming at historic sites all over the county! For our part, Pennsauken Historical Society offers special programs at Griffith Morgan House and Burrough-Dover House three times during October!
First Sunday Open Houses
On the First Sunday in October on the 6th, from noon to 4:00 p.m., both houses will offer programs of living history to show visitors the lives and work of the colonial settlers who first built these beautiful, historic homes. Griffith Morgan House will host hearth cookery, butter making and other activities of the colonial household. Burrough-Dover House plans crafts and activities with quill pen writing with traditional natural ink, tin punching, and other fun activities for the whole family. Both houses will also offer free tours and access to their museums to tell the history of our historic houses, their residents, and the community that grew up from them! This event is admission and parking free; refreshments will be offered, or you can bring your own picnic lunch for a family day!
Paranormal Investigations On October 12

On the evening of Saturday, Oct. 12, starting at 7:00 p.m., the members of NJROPE paranormal researchers will offer a guided journey to the spirit-world co-existing with the historic homes of Pennsauken! At both Burrough-Dover House and Griffith Morgan House, participants will have the opportunity to use the experience and equipment of these intrepid investigators to reach out to the former inhabitants and those who worked, visited, or passed by these ancient places in times now gone. This event is a fundraiser for the historic preservation of the homes and for the work of Pennsauken Historical Society. Limited admission of 12 per house is $25 for non-members and $20 for members of the Historical Society. Reserve your spot at this last investigation of 2019 when attending our First Sunday program, visiting our Facebook pages, or e-mailing
Halloween For The Kids
Finally, but certainly not last in fun, Griffith Morgan House will host its traditional “Halloween for the Kids” event on Saturday, October 26, from noon to 4:00 p.m.! The olde house will be haunted by crafts, games, and activities of the spooky season, appropriate for the whole family. Ye’ Olde Pumpkin Patch promises to start full of plump pumpkins, ready to be made into jack-o-lanterns of all kinds, just in time for Halloween! Get one for yourself and the kids and bring them inside to decorate with macabre flair! Treats, games, crafts, and local Halloween lore await! Admission and most activities are free, but a nominal fee is charged for some crafts to recover the costs of materials.
For more information about the dozens of special historical events at member sites throughout the county during Camden County History Month, be sure to visit the Facebook page of Camden County History Alliance. And don’t forget to pick up the next, free issue of Camden County History magazine!
Visit the Griffith Morgan House and Pennsauken Historical Society pages, or the group, “Pennsauken History Forum,” on Facebook for more details and directions; or call (856) 486-9561 and leave a message or e-mail to
Both Burrough-Dover House and Griffith Morgan House are also open for tours, events, and research by prior appointment.