All Around Pennsauken

Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper


Committee Members Sworn In, Mayor and Deputy Mayor Selected At Reorganization Meeting

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor

The Pennsauken Township Committee held its annual reorganization meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 5, at Pennsauken Country Club. In keeping with state social distancing directives, local attendance was limited to 60 people, including Township elected officials, the acting administrator, acting clerk, deputy clerk, attorney, videographer, and the general public. The meeting was also streamed live using Zoom conferencing software. Notice of this meeting was advertised in accordance with the “Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act” and publicized online through the Township’s website and social media channels.

The agenda of the reorganization meeting included the swearing in of a new mayor, deputy mayor, and committee members, as well as appointments to various professional positions.

Pennsauken Township Committee Members Sworn In For A Three-Year Term: Tim Killion and Vincent Martinez

Pennsauken Township Committeeman Tim Killion is sworn in for a three-year term.
Pennsauken Township Committeeman Vince Martinez is sworn in for a three-year term.

Pennsauken Township Mayor For 2021: Marco DiBattista

Township Committeeman Marco DiBattista takes the oath of office to serve as Pennsauken’s mayor for 2021.

Pennsauken Township Deputy Mayor For 2021: Jessica Rafeh

Township Committeewoman Jessica Rafeh takes the oath of office to serve as Pennsauken’s deputy mayor for 2021.
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