Last month, the Camden County Board of Freeholders held their monthly meeting at the Camden County Boathouse in Pennsauken. During the meeting, the Freeholder Board presented their Community Award to Pennsauken resident Sonny DiSabato, who has served as the Township’s senior coordinator for the last 11 years.

“I was presently surprised,” says DiSabato. “The award is icing on the cake. I love what I do.”
DiSabato, a longtime Pennsauken resident, has dedicated his life to helping others both professionally and through his volunteerism. As both the senior coordinator for Pennsauken, and vice president of the Camden County Senior Coordinators, Sonny attends several meetings of senior groups each month, during which he distributes information from the town, the county and the state as needed. He also visits senior homes to advise and or give information to people who are physically unable to come to the municipal building and writes a senior-focused column for All Around Pennsauken.
“There are a lot of seniors that are in need,” explains DiSabato. “Any help that I can give them, that’s the best part of the job.”
In addition to reaching out to seniors, Sonny has office hours at the Township’s municipal building on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
“I like the camaraderie of the people in the building. At my age, I just don’t want to be a coach potato. I do it for as long as they’ll have me.”
Additional County Meeting Highlights
Freeholder Director Lou Cappelli and Freeholder Jon Young presented a Community Development Block Grant check to Pennsauken Mayor Rick Taylor and Committeewoman Betsy McBride. The federally funded check, in the amount of $90,700, is used by municipalities to fund projects that improve community facilities and enhance municipal services.
A certificate and a $100 donation was presented by Freeholder Cappelli and Freeholder Young to the Half Century Jets Senior Club. The group, which celebrated its 45th anniversary in April of this year, acts as a liaison to the township, county and state agencies relative to seniors. They offer events, information, and bring in speakers and circulate opportunities for seniors’ activities, such as trips, seminars, and the like.
The monthly Sustainability Award was presented by Freeholder Gentek-Mayer to Michael Carruth. Michael is a life-long resident of Pennsauken. He grew up here and attended Pennsauken High School, then left for a few years to study Golf Course Management. He returned to his beloved home town, and is now responsible for the upkeep and planting of trees at the public golf course. Michael took over as chair of the Pennsauken Shade Tree Commission when it was re-established in 2011. Five years ago Michael took on the enormous task of developing a Community Forestry Plan for Pennsauken. After five years of hard work and dedication, the Pennsauken Shade Tree Commission now has a Community Forestry Plan. Trees have been identified and classified, a hazardous tree list has been compiled giving the township a guide to removing trees that are hazardous and replacing them with appropriate, healthy trees. Each year the State requires an accomplishment report from the commission, so this year, under Michael’s leadership, 20 residential trees have been planted along with a number of community plantings. Michael educates the public through outreach activities such as community plantings and attending town events.
Additional meeting information and photos provided by Camden County.