All Around Pennsauken

Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper


Local Families Helped Again This Year By Pennsauken’s Holiday Angels

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor

Once again, local families in need during the holidays received a helping hand from Pennsauken’s angels. The Township’s annual Angel Tree program continues to be an amazing outlet for generous members of our community. Last month, over four dozen families were the gracious recipients of toys, bicycles, and more, so that their children had presents under the Christmas tree to open.

“I’m continually amazed at how giving our community is. They are the true driving force behind Pennsauken’s Angel Tree program,” says Elwood “Duke” Martz, director of Pennsauken’s Parks and Recreation department. “During the holidays, residents and businesses alike put on their Santa hats and embrace the season of giving; and local families that are facing a variety of different struggles are the grateful beneficiaries of that generosity.”

“I think about the joy on the kids’ faces as they open their gifts,” says Pam Forman, a Township employee and Angel Tree program volunteer. “I think it’s phenomenal that the Township has this program; and every year, we get an outpouring of gifts for needy families. There are still a lot of good people out there who care about children.”

 Many individuals, groups, and businesses provided financial donations to help the Angel Tree program purchase toys for needy families, including the Pennsauken-Merchantville Area Chamber of Commerce; the employees who work at the Pennsauken Township Municipal Building; Linda Johnson; the Camden County Freeholder Board; Gross-Hollinshed VFW Post #1270 and the VFW Post #1270 Auxiliary; and the Merchantville-Pennsauken Water Commission. Organizers of the Angel Tree program would particularly like to recognize Physician and Tactical Healthcare Services, LLC (P.A.T.H.S.) for their extremely generous donation, which enabled the program to help even more families this holiday season.

Others donated new, unwrapped toys to the Angel Tree program. Members of P.M.A.C. hosted a special holiday happy hour at the Pennsauken Country Club, where admission was a new, unwrapped toy. Mister Softee of Pennsauken held a special toy drive last month; individuals who donated were eligible for free giveaways. Thanks also go to Saint Stephen’s Roman Catholic Church; Bombardier Transportation, Pennsauken Youth Athletic Activities; T&M Associates; Rosenberger North America; Wines ‘Til Sold Out; Ellyn McMullin; Dan and Michelle Swinton; Carol and Steve Peake; Lisa Occhiolini; and Carl Shaw, all of whom helped create another record toy collection for the Angel Tree program this year.

“Pennsauken’s Angel Tree program is so successful because we have some of most caring people around who live and work in our community,” says Jack Killion, mayor of Pennsauken Township for 2018. “We thank each and every person, business, and organization that helped make this year’s donation drive bigger than the last.”

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