Halloween is right around the corner and there’s plenty of spooky fun to be had in town!

Griffith Morgan House will host its traditional “Halloween for the Kids” event on Saturday, Oct. 26, from noon to 4:00 p.m.! The olde house will be haunted by crafts, games, and activities of the spooky season, appropriate for the whole family. Ye’ Olde Pumpkin Patch promises to start full of plump pumpkins, ready to be made into jack-o-lanterns of all kinds, just in time for Halloween! Get one for yourself and the kids and bring them inside to decorate with macabre flair! Treats, games, crafts, and local Halloween lore await! Admission and most activities are free, but a nominal fee is charged for some crafts to recover the costs of materials.

Falco, Caruso & Leonard Funeral Pennsauken Funeral Home, 6600 N. Browning, Rd. is hosting a Trunk or Treat on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Free to attend for families, prizes will be handed out for the best decorated trunk and best costume. The funeral home will be donating $10 from every car that registers for the event to the American Cancer Society.
To help provide a headcount for the event, participants are asked to RSVP through the Facebook event for the Trunk or Treat.
The Pennsauken Education Association (PEA), in collaboration with the Pennsauken Board of Education and Pennsauken Township, is hosting a free Halloween Tricks or Treats event for the Pennsauken Community.

Tricks or Treats will be held on Sunday, Oct. 27, in the gymnasium and cafeteria of Phifer Middle School, 8201 Park Ave. The event, which is for children pre-k through eighth grade, will begin promptly at 11:00 a.m. and end at 1:00 p.m. Doors will close at 12:30 p.m. for trick or treating. All activities will be held inside and will include trick or treating, face painting, crafts, haunted hallway, and more. All attendees will be allowed to park their cars in the front or back parking lots.
Martin Luther Chapel will be holding its third annual Trunk or Treat on Sunday, Oct. 27, from noon to 2:00 p.m., in the school parking lot on Baker Ave. at the corner of Rt. 130. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held inside in the school gym. The entire event is FREE for children of all ages in creative costumes to trick or treat in a safe place.
Pennsauken Township’s annual Haunted Hayride will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 29, from 6:15 to 9:00 p.m. at a brand new location: the Pennsauken Country Club, 3800 Haddonfield Rd.
Sponsored by the Township’s Youth Action Committee, the Haunted Hayride features ghosts, ghouls, goblins and the walking dead providing scary fun for the whole family, as guests ride around in a hay wagon pulled by a tractor. It’s a great bargain, as the cost for the Haunted Hay Ride is just $2.00 per person.

In addition, members of the Pennsauken Township Police Department, Pennsauken Fire Department and Pennsauken EMS will be handing out Halloween candy to participants.
Volunteers are once again needed for this year’s Haunted Hay Ride. Generous students and residents are asked to dress up as ghosts, ghouls, goblins, vampires, and zombies to help provide some scary fun for hay ride goers. As this is a family event, risqué costumes are not allowed.
To sign up as a volunteer, or for more information about Pennsauken’s Haunted Hay Ride, e-mail Elwood Martz at emartz@twp.pennsauken.nj.us or call (856) 665-1000 x151.
Wish more kids came to your house to trick or treat? Tired of knocking on doors where no one answers? Is the prospect of eating all that leftover candy exhausting? Register your house with All Around Pennsauken’s Interactive Trick or Treat Map! Enter your address online and we’ll post an interactive map that Pennsauken and Merchantville’s trick or treaters can access a few days before Halloween. Click here for details.