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Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper

Corona Virus - Image provided by Camden County
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Mayor Killion Provides Update On Coronavirus Outbreak In Pennsauken

Pennsauken Mayor Killion once again took to social media to provide an update on the coronavirus outbreak.

“Since my letter last week, there have been 10 new cases of COVID-19 in Pennsauken. That brings our total to 18. And while we keep seeing increased numbers throughout Camden County – which currently has 202 cases – the information provided during Governor Murphy’s press conference yesterday showed that with the adoption of social distancing by just 31 percent, projected numbers of hospitalizations in New Jersey for the next few weeks are significantly reduced. But it’s not enough. We definitely need more buy in and understanding when it comes to actions that will slow down the spread of this virus.”

Mayor Killion reminded residents that they should not be gathering for activities in the Township’s parks, such as playing tennis, meeting up with families at the playground, etc.

“Those are all ways to cause social spread of this virus. Our community has a social contract with each other,” said Killion. “You need to believe that we’re asking you to stay away from basketball courts and playgrounds for a really good reason. We have to have respect for our neighbors.”

To reiterate the importance of social distancing, Killion announced the cancellation of several upcoming activities in April: the cleanup at Tippin’s Pond, Nature Enthusiast Day, and the resident-only document shredding event.

Killion also made residents aware of ongoing COVID-19 related scams.

“Residents have been receiving calls from scammers asking for donations for COVID-19 cures. Don’t fall for these calls and more importantly, don’t open your door to anyone you don’t know. Please use caution. There are
people out there that are looking to take advantage of folks, regardless of age.”

Mayor Killion’s full video is below.

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