All Around Pennsauken

Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper

Corona Virus - Image provided by Camden County
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Mayor Killion Provides Update On The Coronavirus Outbreak

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor

In a letter penned to Pennsauken residents and business owners, Mayor Tim Killion provides an update on how the coronavirus is impacting the local community.

“This week, our Township Administration was made aware of six additional cases of COVID-19 found in Pennsauken, which brings us to a total of eight cases,” wrote Killion. “These residents are receiving the care they need and Camden County’s Board of Health is thoroughly investigating each case.

“These new cases found in our town are indicative of more access to testing than social spread, so it’s extremely important to keep taking those steps that are keeping our families and our community safe. Staying at home, maintaining social distancing, and sanitizing public spaces, among other practices, are helping to slow the spread of this virus.”