All Around Pennsauken

Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper

Editor's Desk

My Mom Has A Kid Who Gave Her Gray Hair

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor

I am the reason my mother has gray hair.

I’m sure my siblings helped, particularly my brother. But I’m well aware of who I am. I’ll own this one.

I will, however, argue that the pure, unadulterated joy of having me as a son – think rainbows, puppy dogs, and unicorns – more than makes up for the arguing, door slamming, and the occasional spackle job to the drywall that occurred during my “angry young man” phase. Apologies to Mr. Joel. At least, I did not wind up in the back of a squad car or have to make my one phone call. Even my idiocy has limits.

My Mom, whom I gave gray hair.

I think moms take what their children do – both the good and particularly the bad – truly to heart. When you kick a door open to surprise your brother like they do in an action film and inadvertently knock a bracket off of his braces, they feel it, just as much as your sibling does. Sorry about that bro. They also give you opportunities to find your wings. Like art classes and trumpet lessons, although she may have second-guessed that last one after my impromptu concert with another local kid who was playing saxophone down the street. It didn’t hurt that my brother had his trombone handy to help. I can only imagine the phone calls she got from the neighbors.

Moms are pretty awesome. You’re not going to agree all the time and they will give you that “mom look,” regardless of how old you are. But we’re better people because of them. Heck, if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t even be people! So to all the moms, the stepmoms, the grandmoms, foster moms, and every other mom in between, I wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day. As for my mom, I love you very much. And look – I even wrote you a 324-word article as a present! Let’s see the other Sinatra kids top that!

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