By Judith Kristen, AAP Columnist
Two very significant rites of passage took place on two consecutive nights.
On Thursday, June 18, 2015, came the arrival of Howard M. Phifer’s Middle School eighth grade promotion exercises; and Friday, June 19, delivered our own Pennsauken High School’s graduation program – celebrating the Class of 2015.
Both schools had high hopes for a sunny outdoor procession, but Mother Nature had other plans. However, even Mother Nature knows there are certain kinds of inner sunshine over which she has no control at all.
Phifer’s eighth grade graduation was a delight to behold. A packed gymnasium filled with friends and family watched as all 395 students walked by in a carefully-paced procession, leaving their early youth behind and taking that giant leap of joy and faith moving on into four years of high school life.
“Pomp and Circumstance” filled the air. Students smiled and their families and friends smiled right along with them. Pride was wall to wall.
Mr. Michael Kaufman then led the orchestra in “The Star Spangled Banner,” which was immediately followed by president of the National Junior Honor Society, Ngan Chiem, leading the audience and her fellow students, in the Pledge of Allegiance. A welcome to all was presented by Sana Farhat, representative of the Student Council.

The student awards were presented that evening by assistant principals Tanya Harmon and Susan Galloza, as well as eighth grade guidance counselor Dennis Sherwood. There were 22 awards in all with over 59 recipients, from the Howard M. Phifer “Profile in Courage” Award, received by Jade DiSanti, to the Howard M. Phifer Leadership Award, given to Sana Farhat. The crowd was on its feet, cheering for each and every single award winner.
Phifer principal Thomas P. Honeyman gave his official introduction of students; once again, the crowd roared with applause. The air was electric.
Mr. Honeyman was followed by Dr. James Chapman, superintendent of the Pennsauken School District, who then gave his own personal touch to the presentation of the class. Again, the crowd was most joyous and appreciative.
Acceptance of the class by Board of Education member Dung Nguyen was followed by a performance of “Imperium,” under the musical direction of Michael Kaufman. And then all too soon – yet not soon enough – the Howard M. Phifer’s Middle School Class of 2015 became the Pennsauken High School Graduating Class of 2019.
On the next day, Friday, June 19, there came a different kind of high school graduating class, that of our own Pennsauken High School: the Class of 2015.
As I made my way through the parking lot of the school, I found myself saying, “Hello!” and “Congratulations!” to a few hundred family members and students. I was wrapped up in the enthusiasm of it all. On my way to the gymnasium where the ceremony took place, I asked many of the soon-to-be graduates, “So, how are you feeling about tonight?” Their answers were many, but they all conveyed the same message:
“I feel GREAT!”
“This is the best day EVER!”
Those feelings come with a strong sense of accomplishment and pride for their new station in life. And they do indeed have a great deal for which to be proud.
And precisely at 6:30 p.m., that new position in life became apparent, as the sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance” filtered throughout the building. The proud audience stood as they watched their child, stepchild, grandson, granddaughter, niece, nephew, Godchild, or friend walk with a joy in their heart to their seats behind the dais, awaiting those words, “You are now graduates of Pennsauken High School: the Class of 2015!”
Following the procession, the audience remained standing for our National Anthem. The vocalists for our beautiful “Star Spangled Banner” were the members of the Pennsauken High School Double Dozen.
Soon, everyone was seated once more and Dr. James Chapman took over the podium for the presentation of the Class of 2015. That was followed by Pennsauken School Board President Nicholas Perry’s acceptance of the Class of 2015. Both gentlemen gave moving speeches, filled with hope, encouragement, and humor.
Once again, the Double Dozen took their places and beautifully performed a song called, “For Good.” Applause rang out and the singers smiled in acknowledgment.
The standard student welcome, given by Quyen Le, was also well received with additional applause and cheers. Ms. Le was followed by valedictorian Lee Kim Phan, class president Reginald Boateng, and class salutatorian Nikolas Alvelo. All spoke to their peers and families and friends in attendance, talking about pride in their accomplishments, the road ahead, never giving up, and the change for better that they hoped to create for our world.
Principal Tameka Matthews then came to the dais for the official introduction of the Class of 2015.
And then, in what now seems like the blink of an eye, 12 years of schooling passed, and each year unfolded with that most cherished awarding of their class diplomas.
Following that came the traditional transfer of the class flag by Ebony Kinder and Tameeka Wright, both senior advisors.
Then once again, as it had begun just an hour or so earlier, the Pennsauken High School Concert Band started the official recessional music that celebrated all 331 students: the proud, the joyous, and hope for our future that is Pennsauken High School’s Class of 2015.
So, there we are: one eighth grade graduation, and one high school graduation. One just starting that road to higher learning, the hallowed halls of high school, looking forward to the new friends they’ll make, the wonderful teachers they will remember for a lifetime, and those amazing junior and senior proms. And then, somewhere not so far down the road after all that, comes a night quite like the one just experienced for the Pennsauken High School Class of 2015. A road that only they can travel. Where it will lead is up to each individual. A road with some tough choices and some easy ones; some obvious, some not so obvious.
And so, dear graduates, you have your diplomas. You may choose to think of it as an ongoing process in learning, or maybe the ticket to ride to the good life. But if you think about the bigger picture, take that education, that hope, compassion, and joy, and turn that into a ticket of your own making – a ticket to change the world.
We’re counting on you! And you know you can do it. So do we.
Congratulations to the Classes of 2015!