By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor A cold and rainy Saturday in November couldn’t stop the Pennsauken community from coming out to show their support to a local soldier returning home. Lance Corporal Kyle Hohwald, who came back home to Pennsauken on Nov. 1 after being deployed in the Middle East, was surprised with a hero’s welcome, complete with motorcycle escort, courtesy of the Warriors’ Watch Riders, New Jersey State Police, Pennsauken Township Police and Pennsauken Fire and Rescue. The guest of honor was driven in style to VFW Post 1270 in Pennsauken, where family, friends, public officials, and local veterans were waiting to great him.

“I just wanted to thank everybody for putting this together. I didn’t expect anything to happen like this,” says Hohwald, who jokingly wished that someone had given him a “head’s up” on the surprise. “It’s really nice to come back to somebody, just not family, but the whole town.” Hohwald, 20, serves in the United States Marines Corps with the military police. He was raised in Pennsauken and is a 2012 graduate of Pennsauken High School where he played baseball. Immediately after graduating, he joined The United States Marine Corps and attended boot camp. Hohwald’s special homecoming was made possible through the efforts of The Yellow Ribbon Club, a group of local volunteers who support our troops by sending care packages overseas and organizing welcome home parades for returning soldiers. “This is how we treat our heroes in New Jersey: like rock stars,” says Dave Silver, a volunteer for the Yellow Ribbon Club. “We’re so grateful for [Kevin’s] service and sacrifice.”
As part Hohwald’s welcome home, Kevin received proclamations from Congressman Donald Norcross, then serving as a New Jersey State Senator; Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr., who announced that Nov. 1 would be known as “Kevin Hohwald Day” in Camden County; and members of Pennsauken Township Committee, including Mayor Jack Killion, Deputy Mayor Betsy McBride, Rick Taylor and John Figueroa. “Kyle is truly an American hero and we are proud to be part of the celebration,” said Cappelli. “Kyle has demonstrated extraordinary honor and conviction, and we thank him for his service to our country. He serves as an example to us all, and we are happy to have him home.” “I think everybody here knows what we think about you and all of our veterans. There’s a special place in our hearts for all of you. It’ll never go away,” added Killion. “At 20 years old, Kyle has experienced more than most people will in a lifetime. He has made his family and community very proud.”