All Around Pennsauken

Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper

Pennsauken Historical Society
Community Looking Back At History

Pennsauken Historical Society Welsh Heritage Day On March 2

Wales is said to be the land of song and poetry, of dragons and castles, of myth and history. It is also the land from which a mariner named Griffith Morgan went to sea in the late 1600s before settling on dry land as one of the first colonists of our community of Pennsauken. The history and culture of Wales is about a people conquered and yet unconquered, whose identity has remained as distinct as their language and their way of life despite having been subdued by English castles and soldiers more than 700 years ago. This is the story with which Pennsauken Historical Society opens the year presenting our Pennsauken history on the first Sunday in March.

Join us at Griffith Morgan Homestead in Pennsauken for Welsh Heritage Day on Sunday, March 2, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Hearth cooking to recreate traditional farmhouse food of the Welsh will warm and entice, thanks to the skill of Ruth Konrad. The traditions of Welsh buccaneers of the golden age of piracy will be represented by The Sea Dogs, interpreters of sea shanties and piratical lore. Finally, the beautiful music of the land of Wales will charm listeners in the elegant parlor of the Morgan home, presented by Laura Dishong on the instrument of the Welsh bards, the harp. These live performances of Welsh culture are accompanied by exhibits on Welsh history and mythology from ancient times to the modern day. Refreshments will also be offered, featuring traditional foods and imports of Wales to provide the authentic flavors of this Celtic nation.

Admission and parking for Welsh Heritage Day at Griffith Morgan Homestead is free. Memberships to Pennsauken Historical Society and volunteer opportunities are always available for you! Donations to support our work in local history and preservation are always appreciated as well.

Griffith Morgan Homestead is located at 243 Griffith Morgan Lane, off River Rd. between Delair and Route 73. Visit the Griffith Morgan Homestead or Pennsauken Historical Society pages or the group “Pennsauken History Forum” on Facebook for more details or directions, or e-mail

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