All Around Pennsauken

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Pennsauken Launches Bike Share Program In April

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor

Beginning the first of April, Pennsauken Township and the Pennsauken Environmental Commission will launch its new bike share program, giving Pennsauken residents, age 18 or older, access to a convenient, healthy, and affordable transportation option.

“We’re very excited about starting up Pennsauken’s first-ever bike share,” says Ryan Wachter, one of the program’s volunteers. “For a small fee, residents can borrow a bicycle for the day, the week, or the entire year.”

For an annual cost of $20, residents age 18 or older can borrow one of approximately 30 refurbished bikes stored at the Pennsauken Township Municipal Complex, 5605 N. Crescent Blvd. Participants can take out a bike for the day and bring it back, or store it at their home until they’re ready to return it. All bikes must be returned at the end of the year in order for them to be properly inspected and to have any necessary repairs made.

“If any one participating in the bike share has an issue with their bicycle, they can bring it back and replace it with another one,” adds Wachter. “We currently have a limited supply, but hope to gain more as the program starts to grow.”

The concept of the bike share began in Europe in 1965 but didn’t truly take off until the mid-2000s, due to technology and social media. As of June 204, there are public bike share programs on five continents, including 712 cities, operating approximately 806,200 bicycles at 37,500 stations.

Pennsauken’s bike share begins on Wednesday, April 1. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Pennsauken Township Municipal Building, and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the trailer adjacent to the Pennsauken Free Public Library.

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