By the Pennsauken Board of Education: Nick Perry, President; Allyson Meloni-Scavuzzo, Vice President; Cheryl Duffy; Michael Hurley; Diane Johnson; Leona Moss; Meg Snyder; Orlando Viera; and JoAnn Young
One of the top priorities for the Pennsauken Board of Education is to establish open communication with all individuals who are stakeholders in the Pennsauken School District, including employees, parents, students and community members. An important initiative to increase our communication with the community has been the creation a new District website.
In today’s digital world, having a well-functioning, informative, and easy-to-navigate website is an important tool for communication. The Board’s Communication committee began work on creating a new website more than a year ago. Formerly, our website was very limited in its capabilities and was not compatible with mobile devices. The homepage was cluttered, making it difficult to locate information.
In order to ensure that our new website was an effective and efficient communication tool, the Board of Education, in conjunction with our technology department, discussed various features that a new website would need. The Board, at the request of the technology department, set aside funds in the budget for this project. Members of the Board’s Communication Committee researched various websites from surrounding school districts to investigate ideas for a site design and online features that would work well in the Pennsauken School District.

Based on the information that was collected, the Board of Education and the technology department vetted several different educational website companies. After several months and many meetings, the Board of Education approved a contract with Schoolwires, a website design company that is part of a larger educational company called Blackboard. Schoolwires has created the websites for various school districts throughout the country. It provides a mobile-ready application which allows the website to be accessed from a computer, phone or tablet. It is extremely user-friendly.
All of the information on our old website has been moved to the new site, with the technology department working to organize this information in a manner that is easy to navigate. Additionally, we had a graphic designer update our district and individual school logos. While our official launch date for the website was May 2, 2016, our district professionals continue to learn about all of the capabilities that this website provides. Starting this fall, teachers will be able to build their own webpage for students and parents using our new website’s interface.
The Board of Education believes that this new website is a powerful communication tool, allowing us to share information about the Pennsauken School District easily and efficiently. If you haven’t yet seen the new website, we invite you to visit!
Board Bit Of The Month
Powered by Google, our website can be translated into 11 different languages!