The Ensemble Team from the Ronnie McLaughlin Dance Studio, a staple in Merchantville, NJ since 1967, has an opportunity to travel to Orlando, Fl this July to perform at Disney World. The team has been holding fundraisers to cover the cost of the trip, but with a twist. In addition to working towards going to Florida, the dancers have been also giving back to the community.
Recently, the Ronnie McLaughlin Dance Studio Ensemble Team have been raising donations for the Ronald McDonald House in Camden; the dancers also put together a holiday care package for a family from a local parish.
The Ensemble Team’s next fundraiser will be the “Wing Fling” at Throwback’s Bar and Grill in Delran on Saturday, Jan. 31. from 4 to 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 per person and include three kinds of all-you-can-eat wings, meatballs, french fries and soft drinks.
To reserve your spot in advance, for more information on supporting future fundraising events, or to inquire about class offerings, please e-mail the studio at