Calling all #Pennsauken residents: Solar Landscape is offering cost-free roofing and solar installation training sessions! The five-day program begins on August 9 at World Harvest on Westfield Avenue.
Solar energy will play a critical role in New Jersey achieving its goal of 100% #renewable energy by 2050 and the roofing and #solarenergy industry require a well-trained workforce to meet the growing employment need.
Now is the perfect time to get best-practices training and industry certification from one of New Jersey’s leading solar energy companies.
WHEN: August 9 to 13
TIME: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
LOCATION: @WorldHarvestChristianCenter 7201 Westfield Ave., Pennsauken, NJ
Must be at least 18 years old to participate.
Classroom space is limited to 12 people.
Sign up today by visiting https://bit.ly/3kyMwMFor by calling Kevin Dunshee at 908-675-3997.
Upon completion, graduates will become part of Solar Landscape’s placement program to assist with #employmentopportunities with local contractors and solar installation companies. #jobsnj#sustainablelifestyle#solarlifestyle#cleanenergy