While we do a pretty good job finding out about community events, we’re not always aware of all the happenings in town. That’s why it’s so important for local residents and organizations to share what’s going on in their neighborhoods.
Hosting a community clean-up and need volunteers? Holding a fundraiser and want the public to know? Want to invite your fellow residents to a special celebration? Let us know by filling out this easy-to-use form below! Events submitted on or around the 10th of the month prior will be considered for the upcoming print edition of All Around Pennsauken as well as Pennsauken Television. For example: a community event occurring in August should be submitted on or around July 10.
If we can’t use it for the print version of the paper, we can share it via our online calendar of events, Facebook page, or Twitter feed!
All Around Pennsauken reserves the right to not publish any event that does not meet its editorial guidelines.
NOTE: In some browsers, the submit button may not appear. Complete all of the required form fields and hit “enter” on your keyboard after filling out the “Enter the message as it’s shown” section. This will submit the form. If you’re still experiencing problems, please e-mail aap@pennsauken.gov regarding the issue and your event.