All Around Pennsauken

Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper

Labor Day

Annual Labor Day Wreath Laying Ceremony Held September 2

Labor leaders, public officials and members of the local community will gather in Pennsauken on Friday, Sept. 2, to celebrate…

Annual Labor Day Wreath Laying Ceremony Held August 30

Labor leaders, public officials and members of the local community will gather in Pennsauken on Friday, Aug. 30, to celebrate…


Annual Labor Day Wreath Laying Ceremony Held August 31

Labor leaders, public officials and members of the local community will gather in Pennsauken on Friday, Aug. 31 to celebrate…

Community News

Annual Labor Day Wreath Laying Ceremony Held September 1

Labor leaders, public officials and members of the local community will gather in Pennsauken on Friday, Sept. 1 to celebrate…

Columns Looking Back At History

A Special Postage Stamp For Labor Day, 1956

By Robert Fisher-Hughes, AAP Columnist and Amateur Historian Since the invention of the first postage stamps in the United Kingdom…

Columns Looking Back At History

The Father of Labor Day And His Pennsauken Monument

By Robert Fisher-Hughes, AAP Columnist and Amateur Historian In Arlington Cemetery in Pennsauken, N.J. there stands two monuments to Peter…

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