Pennsauken Transit Center Focus Of NJ TRANSIT Study
When the Pennsauken Transit Center first opened along Derousse Ave. in October of 2013, public officials from all levels of government lauded the facility as a gateway for the area residents to have more access to jobs, education, and health…
Public Meeting On Transit-Oriented Development In Pennsauken Planned For May 21
The Pennsauken Transit Center Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Study Project Team invites community members to a open house-style public meeting on Tuesday, May 21, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Pennsauken Municipal Building, 5605 N. Crescent Blvd. This meeting aims…
New Jersey Transit Police To Conduct Emergency Response Drill At River Line 36th Street Station
The New Jersey Transit Police Department’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM), together with federal and local partners, will conduct a training exercise on Saturday, September 8th at the River LINE Light Rail 36th St. station beginning at 9:00 a.m.