By Bob Wagner, AAP Columnist
I’ve been locked up long enough! My cars have been spiffed up during the down time, and yearn to show off. Since you all can’t come to me, and all my car nut friends, I’ve developed a plan! On the Fourth of July, around mid morning, I’m taking to the streets. A few like minded (or whatever passes for a mind, with car nuts) aficionados will be driving through town in our cars and trucks, beeping horns and showing off.
The bride is already berating me about planning and organizing. Anyone who knows me is sure there will not be much of the above. The car guys and gals will meet somewhere. Then we will drive somewhere. All I can say to you who will be watching for the unofficial parade is…. listen, look, and come out to the curb and clap.
I hope to see a bunch of old friends as I beep around town. I’m sure that the times will bring folks outside for some cheers and smiles. I can promise a good showing of Volkswagens, as my buddies are all eager to get out in the sun, and this discussion has already taken place in the last few days of June.
So keep an ear open for old VW horns. And if the weather gods are on our side, we’ll be coming to a street near you in Pennsauken and Merchantville.
On a somewhat related note, I have been searching for a siren from the old days. I remember having one for parade use a long, long time ago. It had a handle that cranked, on a big boxy body, and a horn that peeked out of the box. I had hoped to bring out the great Joe Jones’ Jeep. But, since the last thing on Joe’s list of things to do to the Jeep was hook up the horn, it does not honk. I’m going to check with some firefighters I know, who may be able to point me in the right direction. And if any of you readers know where I can borrow one for the Fourth, I’ll get permission to bring the old Willys out for a ride.
The bride just reminded me of our wedding ride to our reception, 50 years ago. We left the church in Collingswood with a huge old Dodge in front, and 12 VW Beetles behind. Along the route to the bride’s house, we picked up two more VWs, who saw the parade and jumped in. They were welcomed to the party, of course.
If this happens to move a participant or two to join in, I suppose the total lack of organization and rules would allow such. Especially if the participant has a hand cranked siren.
Since the project is most definitely “by the seat of my pants,” any questions about the hows and whys of our Fourth of July Freedom from COVID-19 ride should be directed to poor Frank Sinatra, our beloved editor. He will be overjoyed to chat with anyone about the project. Or, he’ll just send you to me, and I’ll try to fight out a plan.
‘Till the Fourth, stay well, stay safe, and wish us old guys well. Listen for the horn!