By Joe Scavuzzo, Director, Department of Public Works
We awoke on December 15, 2016 to a dusting of snow and some black ice in spots of town. Although plowing operations won’t begin until three to four inches of accumulation, your Department of Public Works has the two-story rock salt storage building filled to the brim and ready for whatever conditions the winter throws our way.
A winter article wouldn’t be complete without the mentioning of pot holes. Public Works has a designated crew that responds to all reports of pot holes located on Pennsauken roads. Last year, I updated the Public Works section on the Township web site to include an article with pictures of what causes pot holes.
Remember, not all roads within Pennsauken’s borders are owned by the town. You have a weaving of state roads such as Routes 130, 70, 38, and 73, in addition to a number of county roads that are maintained by the Camden County Department of Public Works. The county roads are: Federal St.; Maple Ave.; River Rd.; Marlton Pike; Kaighn Ave.; Westfield Ave.; 36th St.; Browning Rd.; Lexington Ave., between Maple Ave. and Rt. 70; Union Ave.; Church Rd.; Cove Rd.; Chestnut Ave. between Browning Rd. to East Hollywood Circle; Rogers Ave. between Rt. 130 and Cove Rd.; Park Ave.; Centre St.; Chapel Ave.; North Park Drive.; Magnolia and Clayton avenues between Cuthbert Blvd. and Chapel Ave.; Wisteria Ave. between Lexington Ave. and Cuthbert Blvd.; Haddonfield Rd.; Highland Ave. from Marlton Pike to Rt. 130; Myrtle Ave. between Highland Ave. to Rt. 130; Terrace Ave. between Federal St. and Rt. 130; Woodland Ave. between Federal St. and Rt. 130; and Sherman Ave. between Westfield Ave. and River Rd.
To report potholes found on County Roads, call Camden County’s Department of Public Works at (856) 566-2980, or use their web site to submit a form. For all potholes found on Pennsauken roads, just give our office a call or shoot us an e-mail. Repairs will begin when weather conditions are conducive for an effective patch.