All Around Pennsauken

Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper


Waterlines, February 2015

The MPWC, Your Local Fire Department And You… “Adopt A Hydrant” Partnership

We at the MPWC have many obligations to our customers and work aggressively and tenaciously to provide the best water and the best service to all who rely on us. Most times, very little thought is given to our partnership with the local fire department that protects your families and your properties. Our obligation is to provide “needed fire flow” at each and every fire hydrant, 24/7, without deviation or compromise. Your firefighters rely on us and we stand with them when seconds count to insure your safety and welfare.

If you are fortunate enough to have a fire hydrant in front of your home or property, we are asking you to partner with us to protect this valuable component of your neighborhood infrastructure. We ask for your assistance particularly at this time of year with the hopes of you keeping your hydrant clear of snow. When seconds count, your dedicated firefighters will be able to quickly find and secure a reliable water supply.

While snow is always a problem, parked cars, high weeds, vegetation and other obstructions can all restrict access and needlessly delay fire operations. On some occasions, fire hydrants have been struck by motorists, damaged and left not reported. If you think your hydrant is damaged in any way or leaking, call us immediately at 856-663-0044, day or night, and we will send someone out to inspect and /or repair them.

Please know that when there is any appreciable snowfall, local firefighters and water company personnel try to hit critical access arteries and highways to locate and clear hydrants; sometimes we cannot get to all neighborhoods in a timely fashion. Many times during snow emergencies, fire and emergency services personnel encounter increased call volume and may be dedicating their services to emergencies and never get to clearing all hydrants. On some occasions, water company personnel can be tied up on water emergencies, as well. If you could take an extra few minutes when clearing your properties to “adopt the hydrant” in front of your home and clear it from snow and making it visible, you become part of our life safety team in keeping you, your families and your neighbors safe. Keeping an eye on it all year round, maintaining the partnership, would certainly be helpful and appreciated.

Planning A Winter Getaway?

Set the thermostat no lower than 55 degrees.

Ask a friend of neighbor to check on your house daily to make sure it is warm enough to prevent freezing.

If you are planning an extended winter vacation, shut off and drain your water system. Be aware that if you have a fire protection sprinkler system in your house, it will be deactivated when you shut off your water. You may want to consult with a licensed plumber when draining your water system.

Winter Reminder

A reminder to our customers of some steps you can take to help prevent water damage from frozen water pipes and meters.

  • Make sure everyone in your home knows where the main water shut-off valve is and how to turn it off and on. If a pipe freezes or bursts, shut the water off immediately.
  • Search your house for un-insulated pipes, especially in unheated areas. Consider wrapping pipes with electric heating tape, but follow manufacturers’ instructions carefully to avoid a fire hazard.
  • Seal cracks and holes in outside walls and foundations with caulking, especially where cable TV or phone lines enter the house, to keep cold winds away from pipes.
  • If your home is heated by a hot-water radiator, bleed the valves by opening them slightly. Close them when water appears.
  • Make certain that the water to your hose bibs is shut off inside your house (via a turnoff valve), and that the lines are disconnected and drained.
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