Pennsauken Business Creating “Generosity-Based Networking” Mobile App
A mobile application currently in development is hoping to help professionals grow their business through a unique approach to networking.
Focusing On Things To Be Truly Thankful For
By Judith Kristen, AAP Columnist Not that you can tell, but I wrote this column a day late and a…
Too Many Ideas Wandering Through A Busy Mind
By Bob Wagner, AAP Columnist I am frequently faced with scratching out a column, due in minutes. I sit, staring…
Exciting And Informative Events Held This Month By The Friends Of The Library
By Arlene Miller, Friends of the Pennsauken Free Public Library Well, we sold every crumb of the cakes, cupcakes, brownies,…
Pennsauken Township Seeking Professional Services For 2016
The Township of Pennsauken is currently soliciting statements of qualification from applicants for appointment to various professional positions. Responses should…
Pennsauken CERT Assists First Responders, Residents
What is CERT? It sounds like the popular breath mint, but it’s not. In fact, it’s something very important for…
Any Garment Cleaners Offers Discounts To Veterans
During the month of November, current and past military members who present their military ID to Any Garment Cleaners will…
Merchantville Woman’s Club Celebrates 120th Anniversary
In celebration of the organization’s 120th anniversary, the Woman’s Club of Merchantville will be hosting a special guest day on…
General Election Polling Locations
Polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Should residents have any questions, please contact the Clerk’s Office at…
Pennsauken Events Kick-Off Holidays, Season Of Giving
By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor It’s that most wonderful time of the year: the start of the holiday season.