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Killion Steps Down From Pennsauken Township Committee

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor

Effective July 1, Pennsauken Mayor Jack Killion will step down from office, after faithfully serving the Township community for over 19 years.

“Serving on Township Committee has been one of the great honors of my life,” stated Killion in his column in the June edition of All Around Pennsauken. “When I first moved to Pennsauken in 1979, I had no aspirations at all of playing a role in local government. But life provides you with some amazing opportunities when you’re not expecting them; and serving this community certainly fits into that category.”

Killion retired as coordinator of buildings and grounds with the Pennsauken School District, a position he has held for 26 and a half years. Because he is enrolled in the Public Employees Retirement System for both the District and Pennsauken Township as a member of Committee, Killion must retire from the two positions, per state pension retirement rules.

At the June 20 Township Committee meeting, Killion received a proclamation in recognition for his many years of service.

“Whereas, a life of service is a life well spent, Jack Killion has been an active member of our community for many decades,” read Deputy Mayor Rick Taylor. “We celebrate the years of service he has given to the Pennsauken Township Committee. On the occasion of his retirement, we reflect and honor the dedication and passion that Jack has always demonstrated during his career.

“Your support, initiatives and desire to make a difference will not be forgotten. As our community moves into the future, it is in part the foundation that you have helped to lay that will serve as a springboard for success.”

“It’s been a privilege, working with people like Rick Taylor, Betsy McBride, John Kneib, Bill Orth, John Figueroa, Steve Petrillo, Greg Schofield, Marco DiBatista, and Jessica Rafeh,” said Killion. “It’s been great. The town’s great; the people are great; and the staff here is really, really good. It’s been a pleasure. I wish nothing but the best for the future of the town.” 

As of time of publication, the new appointments for Township Committee had yet to be announced. The swearing in of the new mayor for the rest of the year; a new deputy mayor, if applicable; and a new member of Committee to fill in Killion’s term for the remainder of 2019, will be held at the next Township Committee meeting, Thursday, July 11, 5:30 p.m., at the Township Municipal Building, 5605 N. Crescent Blvd. Township Committee meetings are open to the public.

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