New Jersey Makers Day (NJMD) is an annual celebration of all things “making” at libraries all throughout the state. From science experiments and computers, to arts and crafts, NJMD aims to connect people from all walks of life through STEM, fun and learning of making and creativity. On Friday, March 19, and Saturday, March 20, the Pennsauken Free Public Library is hosting a variety of special events and activities.
Friday’s keynote speaker is Joylette Hylick, who will speak about her mother, Katherine Johnson, NASA mathematician and subject of “Hidden Figures,” her own experiences, and the importance of STEM, especially for young people.
The Library’s NJMD programs will be streamed live via YouTube and Facebook and has fun activities for all ages. Check the library website, pennsaukenlibrary.org, for more info and their NJMD maker kit giveaways.
NJ Makers Day 2021 is THIS weekend, March 19-20! Pennsauken Free Public Library is pleased to offer supply kits for…
Posted by Pennsauken Free Public Library on Monday, March 15, 2021