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Open Letter From Pennsauken Mayor Addresses Problem With Residents’ Energy Bills

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor

In an open letter to Pennsauken residents, Mayor Betsy McBride addresses the problem that numerous residents are currently having with their energy bill.

“Constellation NewEnergy is a third party supplier with whom Pennsauken Township entered into an energy aggregation program. Simply stated, the program, which was well-communicated throughout Pennsauken, is designed to save residents money on their supply of electricity by creating group purchasing power,” wrote McBride in a letter recently posted on the town’s website. “Because of an error on Constellation NewEnergy’s part, a group of residents was not billed for their electric supply on their August bills. As a result, those August supply charges were added to the residents’ September bills. On September 3, Constellation Energy mailed a letter to the 3,382 residents affected by this issue; however, when the September bills arrived, some residents were alarmed to find a large cost associated with their energy supply. At no time were there extra charges, as some residents have been communicating.”

Mayor McBride asked residents to look at their recent energy bills.

“I encourage all residents to look at your PSE&G bills from July, August, and September. In July, your energy was being supplied by PSE&G. In August and September, your energy was being supplied by Constellation. The program is designed to save residents money off the supply portion of your electric service over the term of the contract with Constellation NewEnergy, which expires in November 2020. Please keep in mind, it is not a month-to-month savings, but rather savings over the term of the contract.”

McBride also added that a special hotline has been set up to answer residents’ questions about the problems with their recent energy bills: (866) 688-5197. There will also be a Facebook live event, held on the Township’s page on Wednesday, Oct. 2, at noon, where representatives from Concord Energy Services, the town’s energy consultants, will speak with residents.

“Our town’s energy aggregation program will save residents money on their energy supply over the term of the contract with Constellation NewEnergy,” wrote McBride. “While I understand that this billing issue may result in residents opting out of the program, I wanted to be sure all of you have accurate information on which to base your decisions about your household’s energy supply. I apologize on behalf of Township Committee for any inconvenience or hardship this has caused.”

To read Mayor McBride’s letter in its entirety, click here.

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