By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor
While fireworks are normally associated with the Fourth of July, there are some people that take their use to the extreme.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, an estimated 11,500 emergency room-treated injuries involving fireworks in 2021. Another sobering fact: 74 percent of the total estimated fireworks-related injuries for the entire year of 2021 occurred between June 18 and July 18.
The responsible use of sparklers and novelty fireworks you buy from a retail store, or a supermarket is legal in New Jersey. The sale, possession, or use of other fireworks: Roman candles, mortars, rockets, repeaters, and the like, is 100 percent illegal. Improper use can cause serious and permanent injuries to people, as well as substantial damage to property. According to New Jersey state statute, any person who sells, offers or exposes for sale, or possesses with intent to sell any illegal fireworks is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree. In addition, any person who purchases, uses, discharges, causes to be discharged, ignites, fires, or otherwise sets in action, or possesses any illegal fireworks is guilty of a petty disorderly persons offense.

When it comes to safely using novelty fireworks, consumer retailer Phantom Fireworks offers these important tips:
- Never let children handle or light fireworks of any kind
- Don’t consume alcohol or drugs while handling or lighting fireworks
- Read the directions and warning labels before using fireworks
- Use fireworks in a clear, open area away from people
- Don’t light more than one firework at a time
- Do not attempt to re-light, alter, or fix any “dud” or malfunction fireworks
- Keep a fire extinguisher, connected water hose, etc. nearby for emergencies
- Always leave commercial fireworks (Roman candles, mortars, rockets, etc.) to the professionals
If fireworks are being lit illegally in your neighborhood, contact the Pennsauken Township Police as the fireworks occur at (856) 663-1234 ext. 2015, and provide as many details as possible. Residents can also send tips anonymously through the Pennsauken PD app from their smartphone. The Pennsauken PD app is available for download for free via the Google Play Store, iTunes App Store or at Anonymous web tips can also be submitted using the webform on that page.