Route 90 Eastbound/Betsy Ross Bridge Ramp To John Tipton Boulevard/Suckle Highway/Hylton Road To Close In Pennsauken
Signed detour will be in place for approximately five weeks New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials today announced the ramp from Route 90 eastbound/Betsy Ross Bridge to John Tipton Boulevard/Suckle Highway/Hylton Road will be closed and detoured as a…
DRPA Informational Meeting On Betsy Ross Bridge Rescheduled For April 17
The Delaware River Port Authority has rescheduled a community information event regarding work on the Betsy Ross Bridge for Tuesday, April 17, from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Pennsauken Free Public Library, 5605 N. Crescent Blvd. This event will…
POSTPONED: DRPA To Host Informational Meeting On Betsy Ross Bridge Enhancements
BECAUSE OF THE INCLEMENT WEATHER, THIS MEETING WILL BE POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL. Project expected to run from March 2018 to November of 2019 The Delaware River Port Authority will host a community information event on Tuesday, March 20 from 5:30…