All Around Pennsauken

Pennsauken's Monthly Newspaper


River Road And Union Avenue To Close In Pennsauken For Main Replacement

Freeholder Susan Shin Angulo, liaison to the Camden County Department of Public Works, has been notified by the Merchantville Pennsauken Water Commission that crews will be replacing a water main on River Road and Union Avenue in Pennsauken beginning Tuesday,…


River Road, Union Avenue In Pennsauken To Close For Water Main Replacement

Freeholder Susan Shin Angulo, liaison to the Camden County Department of Public Works, has been notified by the Merchantville Pennsauken Water Commission that crews will be replacing a water main on River Rd. and Union Ave. in Pennsauken beginning Monday,…

Chestnut Avenue In Pennsauken To Close For Storm Sewer Replacement

Beginning Wednesday, crews will close Chestnut Avenue between Merchantville Avenue and East Hollywood Circle from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The project is expected to be completed by Tuesday, July 2. Motorists will be directed to utilize a posted detour route.

Freeholders And NJDOT Launch First Highway Project Financed With New Infrastructure Bank Funds

Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr. was joined today by local officials and representatives from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank to announce the beginning of a rehabilitation project on Westfield Ave. (CR610) in…


NJDOT Holding Public Information Center For Proposed Road Project

The proposed project would address deteriorated pavement along Rt. 70 between Rt. 38 and Cooper Ave.; Cuthbert Blvd.; and all NJDOT juridstictional jughandles, as well as address various geometric deficiencies along Rt. 70.


PSE&G To Begin Restoring Roads With Permanent Paving In Pennsauken

PSE&G has completed gas main upgrades in several areas in Pennsauken. Now that the ground has settled, the utility will begin restoring roads with permanent paving. According to materials provided to affected residents and businesses from PSE&G, “Our goal is…

Community News

New Jersey Department Of Transportation To Hold Public Information Center About Route 130 Bridge Replacement Project

This Thursday, the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) will hold a public information center (PIC) to inform local residents, officials, and the business community about the preliminary preferred concept for the Rt. 73 and Ramp G Bridge over 130…


Freeholders Authorize Improvements To Haddonfield-Sorrell Horse Road Connector In Pennsauken

Beginning on August 13, crews will begin making improvements to the Haddonfield-Sorrell Horse Road (CR 644) connector which connects Haddonfield Road to Route 130.

Route 130 Lane Closures Required For Intersection Improvements At Union Avenue

New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials announced the left lane closures on Route 130 approaching the Union Avenue intersection in both directions for several weeks as an intersection improvements project advances in Camden County.

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