Category Archives: Going Green

Dyeing Easter Eggs The Old Fashioned – And All Natural – Way

By Kathleen Harvey, AAP Columnist

As the Easter Bunny comes hopping down my street with basket in hand, my thoughts turn to all the lovely colors that Easter eggs can be dyed. Where do those colors come from? If you are looking for a healthier alternative to baskets filled with plastic eggs containing candy and chocolate bunnies, grab the kids and head for the kitchen.

Philadelphia Flower Show Gives A Dose Of Spring Fever

By Kathleen Harvey, AAP Columnist

As I write this month’s column, I am recovering from the worst case of the flu I have had in recent memory. Three weeks of coughing, sneezing, and other discomforts have left me tired, weak, and grumpy. Now that I am finally starting to feel a bit better, a different kind of fever begins to creep into my soul: spring fever. My gardening tools have been cleaned, oiled, and sharpened; seeds have been started. I am impatient to get back outside, bask in the sun, breathe the fresh air.

Even though spring isn’t quite here yet, we can get a taste of things to come. This month, the Philadelphia Convention Center will be overtaken by nurseries, men, women, and gardeners of all ages who will transform it into a gardener’s paradise. This year, the Flower Show is being held Saturday, March 11 through Sunday, March 19. This year’s show, titled “Holland: Flowering the World,” celebrates the flowers, art, culture and landscape architecture of this region.

The All Important Fall Gardener’s Checklist

KatphotoBy Kathleen Harvey, AAP Columnist

There’s much to accomplish in the fall garden before the harsh winter weather arrives. Autumn is a beautiful time of year to be working outdoors, but it can also be overwhelming with so many garden chores that need attention. It’s time to tidy up from summer and get ready for spring all at once. Ideally, we ease into seasonal changes, and plants go in and out of dormancy gradually. But nature often has other plans.

Enjoy Homegrown Orange Juice With Breakfast

KatphotoBy Kathleen Harvey, Owner, Plant Artistry, LLC

Citrus are very special plants. Not only are they beautiful evergreen trees with lush, green foliage, but they have heavenly fragrant blossoms in the spring and delicious fruit in the fall.

Enjoying The Homegrown Fruits Of Your Labor

KatphotoBy Kathleen Harvey, Owner, Plant Artistry, LLC

Imagine plucking ripe, luscious fruits from trees in your garden. Enjoying fresh peach salsa, poached pears, or spreading homemade plum preserves on warm bread is the epitome of a gardener’s reward. As fall approaches, the air is cool and apples ripen. Pull an apple from the tree, hear the crisp snap as you bite into it and taste the sweet tangy flavor as the juice spreads over your taste buds.

Organic Or Synthetic Plant Food: Is There A Difference?

KatphotoBy Kathleen Harvey, Owner, Plant Artistry, LLC

It’s time to prepare the flower beds for winter. What materials are best for the soil to prepare it for new plants in the spring? A debate is currently trending about which is better mulch: straw or hay? They may look similar, but they’re actually quite different.

Organic Or Synthetic Plant Food: Is There A Difference?

KatphotoBy Kathleen Harvey, Owner, Plant Artistry, LLC

When I first met my honey and saw his houseplants, they were sickly things sitting in the corner and on windowsills, desperately trying to survive. I asked him, “What are you feeding those poor plants?” His response: “Food? Am I supposed to share my dinner with them?” His answer, though a bit comical, was not uncommon.

Spring Cleaning: Re-Purpose, Save Money And The Planet

KatphotoBy Kathleen Harvey, Owner, Plant Artistry, LLC

We all have stuff that no longer serves any purpose around the house, but we still have trouble getting rid of it. Either it’s still usable, may come in handy, or just holds some sentimental value. Periodically, when our things create too much clutter, we put them in attics, basements, storage units, or throw them away to take up space in landfills.

If you’re creative, you can help solve the problem by re-purposing, up-cycling and reusing your old things. Besides serving a new function, re-purposed items add this lovely touch of creativity and coziness to your space. In addition, it keeps things out of landfills and helps the planet at the same time. Here is a small sampling of projects to inspire you to look at your junk in a new way.

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, What Do Flower Colors Mean To You?

KatphotoBy Kathleen Harvey, Owner, Plant Artistry, LLC

Valentine’s Day is approaching, and many people send flowers to their loved ones. Gazing upon a beautiful, brightly colored flower arrangement can evoke strong emotion. But what emotion does the flower giver intend versus what the arrangement conveys? From the deep passionate red of a rose, the elegant white of a calla lily, or the exuberance concentrated in a bouquet of golden tulips, the color of flowers sends an emotional message.

Winter Squash A Great Addition To Your Thanksgiving Feast

KatphotoBy Kathleen Harvey, Owner, Plant Artistry, LLC

Squash are members of the gourd family, which fall into two broad classifications, summer squash and winter squash.

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