Category Archives: Gray Matters

Celebrating 68 Fabulously Groovy Years

JudithphotoBy Judith Kristen, AAP Columnist

By the time you have this month’s AAP in your hands, I’ll be just two days short of my 68th birthday.

Now most of us, after say age 40, don’t do much about birthdays for another decade, until it’s another one of those “landmark” ones that Hallmark has cards for, you know… 50, 55, 60, 65…

Personally, I think every day is a landmark day, as is every additional year, and it requires celebration even if you’re the only one celebrating it.

Remembering The Love And Kindness Of Mark Fillari

By Judith Kristen, AAP Columnist

GreyMattersIf you were a customer at the Merchantville Post Office, then you surely knew Mark Fillari. And not just because Mark was an exceptional postal worker for 30 years; it was because Mark was an exceptional guy – period.

His sudden passing on December 31, 2015 at the age of 56 was a tremendous shock and huge loss to his family: his darling wife, Angela; daughter Stephanie; sons Nick, Dominic, Mark; and the rest of his beloved family. He adored each and every one of them. All you had to do was mention his wife’s name or something about one of his children, and there was an immediate sparkle in his eyes and a bright, wide smile on his face. And the community loved Mark too, because he made all of us feel like an extension of his own family.

A Love Affair Long Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

JudithphotoBy Judith Kristen, AAP Columnist

My magnum opus to love in the month of February generally has but two themes: my permanent crush on my husband, Andrew, or my ongoing romance with the Beatles over the last 52 years.

This time it’s different. This time, my friends, it’s a “Star Wars” thing.

Yup. A “Star Wars” thing.

Focusing On Things To Be Truly Thankful For

JudithphotoBy Judith Kristen, AAP Columnist

Not that you can tell, but I wrote this column a day late and a dollar short. But, my ever-wonderful boss and friend, Frank Sinatra, understands why, and so here it is – and my extended deadline was yet another thing for me to be thankful for in this month of giving thanks.

Hey Jude! Sharing A Slice Of America With Friends From Overseas

JudithphotoBy Judith Kristen, AAP Columnist

How do I love thee, Pennsauken… let me count the ways. And here’s how it goes:

Andrew’s and my dear friends, Jude and George Inglis from the lovely town of Hull in Yorkshire, England, came to visit us for three weeks in September. And whenever and wherever we went along our local Pennsauken route, folks knew of their visit and would smile and welcome them to America, ask how they liked it here… and then told them about other wonderful local places to see and visit… Aunt Charlotte’s, McFarlan’s Market, Bobby Ray’s, Adobos, Cafe Bella Vita, The Blue Monkey… etc., etc. And, when we visited those places, they were welcomed with open arms there too.

“Mrs. Wordsmith” And The Joy Of Shining In Our Own Way

JudithphotoBy Judith Kristen, AAP Columnist

Deadline? Column? I didn’t have one single thought in my head as to what to write for my August AAP article. And then, waiting for me in my computer, was a letter from an old Scrabble playing friend of mine.

Her e-mail was addressed to: “Mrs. Wordsmith.”

Her Baby He’ll Be: Remembering Jonathon

By Judith Kristen, AAP Columnist

He was born on a beautiful spring morning on March 21, 1970. The skies were picture perfect and a soft wind ruffled the trees and the scent of the newly formed flowers greeted him as I held him next to the open hospital window.

Honoring Our Loving And Dedicated Caregivers

JudithphotoBy Judith Kristen, AAP Columnist

The mothers of all of us, above and beyond biology, whether we realize it or not, are service workers.

In these harried times, there are so many things we rely on others to do for us. We send our children to day care, and many must leave their young ones in the hands and hearts of others from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. We’re too pooped to pop after work; that makes for a quick call for pizza, cheese steaks, or Chinese food. We go on vacation and someone has to walk and feed our animals… you get the idea.

AAP’s Judith Kristen Celebrates A Day In Beatles’ History

Being Lucky Enough On Saint Patrick’s Day

JudithphotoBy Judith Kristen, AAP Columnist

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!

I say that with such a smile on my face you’d think I was actually Irish. Although I’m of Scandinavian descent, I was surrounded all of my life by the joy, love, happiness and friendship of many an Irish friend and family: the Mehaffeys, McGees, Duffys, Carrolls, Malloys… you get the picture.

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