Tag Archives: cosplay

Throwback Thursday: Pennsauken Cosplayers Leap, Swing And Fly Into Wizard World

Every once and a while, we like to take a look back at our archives a pull out an interesting story. Here’s a feature article that ran online last June.

Frank_ProfilesmallBy Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor

For local area fans of comic books, horror flicks and super hero movies, June is a great month of the year. Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con, a comic book/pop culture convention that celebrates graphic novels, comic books, movies, TV shows and more, is currently in full swing at the Philadelphia Convention Center. Many look to get autographs and photos from their favorite actors from TV and film; others look to fill the holes in their comic book or toy collection. And a select few take the opportunity to dress up like their favorite comic book hero or heroine, or character from the small and silver screens. It’s called cosplay, short for costume play, and it’s all the rage at conventions like Wizard World. And this weekend in Philly, you’ll find folks from all over, even from Pennsauken, in full costume for both their own edification and the enjoyment of convention goers.

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