Tag Archives: municipal budget

Pennsauken’s Municipal Tax Portion Remains Flat For Seven Years In A Row

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor

Each year, property taxes – based on the assessed value of a resident’s home – are used in a variety of ways in the community. Broken down into several sections, these taxes are used to pay for county services, school funding, trash and recycling collection, and municipal operations. These last two items are the responsibility of Pennsauken Township’s local government; and the town’s administration and the Township Committee have worked on a continual basis to maintain a fiscally responsible budget.

Pennsauken’s Municipal Tax Portion Remains Flat For Sixth Straight Year

By Frank Sinatra, AAP Editor

Each year, property taxes – based on the assessed value of a resident’s home – are used in a variety of ways in the community. Broken down into several sections, these taxes are used to pay for county services, school funding, trash and recycling collection, and municipal operations. These last two items are the responsibility of Pennsauken Township’s local government; and for the past several years, the town’s administration and the Township Committee have worked to maintain a fiscally responsible budget.

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